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Plastic and maxillofacial surgery


Aesthetic medicine

Book Reviews from The PMFA Journal

Read reviews of Thieme texts from The PMFA Journal.

book cover of masters of cosmetic surgery the video atlas

PMFA Review

“…I was really impressed with this book; despite covering a vast area of treatments and surgical procedures, all chapters were well written, succinct, and included helpful step by step guides on performing these procedures as well pre and postoperative photos and illustrative figures demonstrating aspects of the techniques described. A very helpful aid to any new consultant embarking in the field of cosmetic surgery…”

book cover for Principles of Facial Reconstruction

PMFA Review

Principles of Facial Reconstruction is an excellent book for any trainee in plastic surgery, ENT or maxillofacial surgery. It is a well written book, that subdivides facial reconstruction into each subunit, with different chapters for each area. There are 10 chapters with seven dedicated to separate areas for reconstruction (scalp, forehead, eyes, nose, etc)…”

book cover for eyelid and periorbital surgery

PMFA Review

“When the book to be reviewed arrived in the post we were taken aback – popping the volumes on the scale, each weighed in at 2kg. Reviewing 4000grams of oculoplastics seemed insurmountably daunting until we noticed four things: first, this book is full of high-quality illustrations – almost 3000 in fact. Second there is plenty of white space on the pages for notes and it is set out in the clearest possible ways including with flow charts for management. Third…”